
Food Tech 3.0 Updates

Upcoming GitBook and collaborations with the Distributed Design Platform

  • May 29, 2023

At the Food Tech 3.0 FAL in Barcelona, the Fab Lab Barcelona team is developing a new tool on how makerspaces, Fab Labs and Fab Cities can support the development of food initiatives, including tools and best practices for innovators and communities. This resource is a compilation of inspirations, learnings, examples, interactive tools, and furthering conversations around food technology. It is presented as an interactive online book, on the platform GitBook, which keeps in line with both the Food Tech 3.0 and Fab Lab Barcelona values of open source and freely accessible.

Target Audience: Who do we envision using the GitBook?

The Food Tech 3.0 GitBook is imagined to serve a variety of audiences. We believe it has information and resources for:


  • We hope this resource serves to help you imagine a present in which food technology is an accessible asset you can use to produce, consume and recycle food yourself.

Communities and civil society

  • We hope it can serve as an entry point for connecting you to food technology that might meet your needs.
    Food technology makers and small businesses:
    We hope it gives you ideas on how you might engage with tenets of food citizenship and citizen-driven innovation, open source, holistic sustainability, justice and equity and working ecosytsemically.

Policy makers and municipality workers

  • We hope the GitBook can inspire you to continue supporting alternative food technologies and local food communities and to understand how and why to support the innovative work of makerspaces, Fab Labs and Fab Cities at this intersection

Makerspaces, Fab Labs, & Fab Cities

  • We hope the Food Tech 3.0 GitBook helps you understand the potential role our spaces can play in advancing food technology for a citizen-driven, regenerative, and ecosystemic food system transition

Food Tech 3.0 GitBook Features

The GitBook includes a wide range of resources, from visions of the future to community tools, webinars on food tech to examples of platforms empowering food communities. Some of the key features in the GitBook include:

→ Understanding what food technology means for Fab Lab Barcelona and Food Tech 3.0

→ Why and how makerspaces, Fab Labs & Fab Cities can support food technology initiatives and their communities

→ A look into how Fab Lab Barcelona identified, matured, combined, and upscaled food technology initiatives and tips for makerspaces looking to do the same with their own local communities

→ Best practices and interactive tools to support innovators and communities approach Food Tech Accelerator Program’s pillars: community, technology, and business.

→ A series of conversations with professionals in the field ranging from how to create a shift in consciousness in order to create a paradigm shift in our food system to how initiatives can integrate collaboration into their work from the very beginning

→ Examples of food tech innovators putting this all in practice, including examples from our Food Tech 3.0 Enabler Labs (FELs): Fab City Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany); Fab City Grand Paris (Paris, France); Open Dot Lab (Milan, Italy).

Find here how you can get involved!

May 29, 2023