Emergent Futures Collective @ Dutch Design Week

  • Saturday, October 16, 2021 - Sunday, October 24, 2021
  • Yksi Expo in Eindhoven
  • Free admission

No registration

From the 16th to the 24th of October, the designers and makers forming the Emergent Futures Collective will present their work during Dutch Design Week 2021 at Yksi Expo in Eindhoven.

The collective is formed from graduates of the class of ‘21 of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures dedicated to creating awareness and driving action towards social and climate justice. They will exhibit the final projects developed during the Masters. The collective is a new generation of designers, artists, computer engineers, industrial designers, and strategists that believe in open collaboration and understand the importance and urgency of knowledge sharing and exploration that challenges our established systems.

Dutch Design Week visiting hours: 10am-6pm
Yksi Expo — Torenallee 22-04 I 5617 BD Eindhoven

The exhibition is realized by Distributed Design and is organized in close collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Elisava School of Design and Engineering.

Contact: [email protected]