Guided tour with Arxiu Històric del Poblenou along the Eje Pere IV

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023
  • 18:30 — 20:00
  • Carrer Pere IV, 340
  • Free admission

Come to explore the emblematic productive axis of Poblenou with the Arxiu Històric del Poblenou and Fab Lab Barcelona!

With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution in Barcelona and its subsequent extension to the surrounding municipalities, in the mid-nineteenth century began to settle in the Mataró road, the current Pere IV street, the industrial network that decades later would come to be considered the most dense and important in the western Mediterranean.

The guided tour around four of the old factories that were built on this historic axis of Barcelona: La Escocesa; Ca l’Alier; Oliva-Artés and Can Ricart, aims to show the history, evolution and new uses of these centuries-old factories, which are part of the iconic imaginary of Poblenou. To do so, the participants in the guided tour- run by the Arxiu Históric del Poblenou – will have access to the didactic resource that involves the use of digital cartography.