NEB talk

NEB Talks: On the future(s) of design and maker education

  • Thursday, July 13, 2023
  • 15:00 — 17:00
  • Disseny Hub Barcelona, Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes 38
  • Free admission

Join us for an engaging workshop and roundtable discussion

This event, organized by the Distributed Design Platform, aims to foster the development of the emerging sector of Distributed Design in the European and International discourse while supporting the environment in which emerging talent thrives.

The esteemed panel of participants includes Amy Gowen from the School of Commons at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Barcelona based organisation La Creatura, and Guillem Camprodon, director of Fab Lab Barcelona and the Master of Design in Emergent Futures at IAAC. The discussion will be moderated by Jessica Guy, the Lead of the Distributed Design Platform.

Together, they will delve into critical reflections and explore the opportunities for pedagogy and curricula in the context of design and maker education. By sharing insights and experiences, the aim is to shape the future of education in this field, addressing the challenges and embracing the potential that lies within Distributed Design.

Educators, designers, makers, creatives and anyone interested in the future of design education are invited to join this dynamic and thought-provoking event. Together, let’s pave the way for innovative approaches and collaborative learning in the world of design and making.

This event is created in collaboration with CIRCE, Creative Impact Research Fund Europe.

The Distributed Design Platform is co-funded by the European Union.