Think globally, fabricate locally

with Tomas Diez and Primy Jeils

🏭 The climate disaster as well as social inequality can be traced back to our current form of production and consumption. Digital Fabrication has the power to shift this system, enabling local production and giving power to communities. Fab City was born to push this agenda and to empower Fab Labs to engage in a bigger mission – from being leaders in technology to finding their purpose.

🔄  For this episode, Tomas Diez has switched roles – from interviewer to interviewee. Tomas is the founding partner and Executive Director of the Fab City Foundation, which was established to support the Fab City global initiative, a global movement for cities to produce (almost) everything they consume. Tomas gives us an insight into the mission of Fab City, its network and structure as well as the challenges they are confronted with. Currently based in Bali, Tomas discusses some observations he has made about the design and technology ecosystem of this new home and what we can learn from the island’s traditions.

🏝️ From October 12-22 the Bali Fab Fest is bringing together local and global innovators to design and prototype possible paths for Bali towards a regenerative economy. Innovators, makers, entrepreneurs, organizations, and the public sector get the chance to create meaningful in-person connections in the world’s biggest digital fabrication event. During the conversation, Tomas shares some details about the event that combines the 17th edition of the Fab Lab Conference and the 7th Fab City Summit 2022.

Find more information and get your tickets for the Bali Fab Fest here.


  • Fab Lab Barcelona
  • Fab City Foundation
  • Bali Fab Fest
  • Meaningful Design Group
  • CAST Foundation

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