Promoting the transformation of the food system through the integration of scientific knowledge, political work, citizen experience and innovation within the European research area.

The Challenge

Build a shared digital knowledge base from which a new knowledge and innovation governance structure for Europe’s food system can emerge.

Our Solution

Fab Lab Barcelona partners with IrsiCaixa – as a Living Lab and IRTA – Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology – as a linking pin, to conceive and deliver a study case.

Type of Project

The project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101059954.

Platform Outputs

Creation of Foster Platform and Foster Academy. Citizen Initiatives as case studies. Science-policy-professional interface.

The Project

FOSTER’s vision is to build a shared digital knowledge base from which a new knowledge and innovation governance structure for Europe’s food system can emerge. This new structure is necessary since the current system of knowledge exchange between the scientific – political – citizen sphere in the European research area is insufficient to address the emerging challenges regarding our current food system.

A Food System Knowledge Sharing and Innovation System is the result of a better Research + Innovation structure, combined with broader and inclusive research, and through the participation, not only of academic/scientific groups, but also of citizens. This system will better equip the European Research Area to support citizens, academia, business, political actors and other groups in the transition towards a more sustainable and innovative food system.

The general objective of the FOSTER Project is to promote the transformation of the food system by integrating different perspectives of scientific knowledge, citizen experience and innovation within the European research area. The idea is to gain insight into how knowledge and innovation systems can adapt, become more inclusive and better governed to transform Europe’s food system outcomes for health, business and the environment.

In order to build a foundation from which a new knowledge and innovation governance structure for the European food system can emerge, Foster is working on the development of:

  • Foster Platform: A virtual platform that will facilitate combining existing scientific knowledge + knowledge provided by citizen initiatives + political work on food systems.
  • Foster Academy: A trained learning community made up of scientists, citizen-led initiatives and policy makers in the European Research Area, to enable them to foster food system transition processes.
  • Citizen Initiatives as case studies: 5 case studies, in 5 different areas of the European Union that will co-create different governance options in the field of research and innovation (R&I)
  • Science-policy-professional interface to produce novel understanding of how, and to what extent, knowledge and innovation system transformation can catalyze food system change.

Our Contribution

Fab Lab Barcelona partners with IrsiCaixa – as a Living Lab and IRTA – Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology – as a linking pin, to conceive and deliver a study case. The goal of FOSTER initiative with the Spanish CDI is to boost the transition towards sustainable and healthy diets across Communities of Practice (CoP) in a specific district of Barcelona city (Sant Martí district) through establishing a more collaborative organisational model between two Labs (IrsiCaixa Living Lab and Fab Lab Barcelona). The aim of this initiative is to strength the interaction and co-creation work of the two Labs already carrying out specific activities (e.g. Food Tech communities, Remix el Barrio collective or Fit4FoodBcn) in order to achieve a more efficient involvement of the different actors of the food value chain by improving communication between them, strengthening interaction and increasing the impact of the initiatives carried out. Fab Lab Barcelona does not seek to build the infrastructure itself, but to figure out and prototype how to do it. We urge us to stay grounded, and not to stay in the conceptual mindset.

Who is it for?

Scientists specialised in the food systems and social sciences, policy makers and citizens. We aim to benefit existing networks that promote healthy and sustainable eating with tools developed by the CDIs in Barcelona to increase the impact of the networks towards society (thereby also increasing the impact of the CDIs). Our work for FOSTER case study will be emphasising youth, women, and underrepresented communities operating in the Sant Martí District. Our main focus is the communities of practice that involve both local and global actors. Fab Lab Barcelona supports the co-creation of circular solutions.