Ensure the needs of makers and distributed designers are met by European mobility programs
Participation in a dedicated pilot program with a specific focus on the implementation of programs
A pilot program co-funded by the European Union
Makers are emerging as a key profile in the European agenda. Fab Lab Barcelona has built a reputation as a leader in programmes which support and advocate for makers. This includes the ‘maker movement’ and also more widely refers to maker skills and values which emerge as important in the pursuit of local, situated manufacturing ecosystems. Makers’ eXchange aims to pilot programs which can shed light on the current and future needs of makers as they navigate skills development and knowledge exchange across Europe.
MAX (Makers’ eXchange) project is a pilot policy project, co-funded by the European Union, that aims to define and test policies and actions supporting the mobility and exchanges of experience between the cultural and creative industries, creative hubs, maker-spaces, fab-labs and formal and non-formal learning and skills development systems in a cross-sectoral way and embed makers’ mobility schemes for skills development and inclusion into mainstream CCIs support programmes, policies and ecosystems across Europe.
MAX project is implemented by the European Creative Hubs Network, Fab Lab Barcelona, UPTEC and Makery; a consortium with a strong background, expertise and knowledge of the cultural and creative industries, creative hubs, maker-spaces and fab labs. ECHN is the leading organization of the Consortium and Fab Lab Barcelona leads the project focus on ‘experimentation’, that is exploring the potential of mobility schemes that represent makers and ensure skills development and inclusion.
The project takes a wide and inclusive approach to identifying makers, focusing on actors who participate in the production of goods or practice of local making and production.
The project aims to develop policy recommendations by advocating and upscaling to embed makers’ mobility schemes for skills development and inclusion into mainstream CCIs support programmes, policies and ecosystems across Europe.