A teaching platform for supporting youngsters to engage with circular futures.

The Challenge

How to support European teachers in engaging with learning experiences in the topic of circular economy?

Our Solution

Open education resources for teachers to learn about circular themes with a focus on material flows, system and design thinking, cooperation and eco-anxiety.

Type of Project

Strategic Partnership funded by European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under Grant Agreement 2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000032825.

Project Outputs/Applied Technologies

An online platform with learning materials and guidance to run and build circular challenges at school.

The Project

SCORE is a 3-year KA2 Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union aimed at increasing the awareness and familiarity of the 15-24 age group with the circular economy approach and green business as a sustainable economic model, and to improve the social adhesion to this alternative economic perspective through: 

1.     Designing and testing an adapted toolkit and pedagogical methodology for training the teachers of the targeted age group students. 

2.     Providing open and innovative learning environment (online platform), developing tailored high-quality Open Education Resources (OER). 

3.     Promoting circular economy thinking and mindset, multidisciplinary approach, knowledge exchange, international networking, mobility programmes and ongoing cooperation.

SCORE will involve teachers and students from secondary schools in different European countries.

Our Contribution

Fab Lab Barcelona is responsible for the specification and design of pedagogical approach and learning contents. We focus on creating a series of circular challenges with teacher’s guidelines and tools. We will also run a pilot with at least 20 Spanish teachers.

Who is it for?

Teachers, High Schools, Vocational Training Centres and students aged from 16-25 in Lithuania, France and Spain.

Media Coverage

Check the articles here:, &
