Nazaret Colegios Innovadores
Advisory Program
1-day program
Available On-Site and Online
This program was curated by Fab Lab Barcelona and Nazaret Colegios Innovadores to make the ‘Maker Culture Summit’ – a program which trained +60 executives from Nazaret Innovative Schools across ten different departments. The Summit consisted of various activities, from conferences to hands-on learning activities.
This typology of education lies within Fab Lab Barcelona’s framework of exploring new methodologies as a tool for prototyping emerging educational scenarios. The combination of hands-on learning techniques and physical prototyping has proven very effective in maker education and can be applied to future learning scenarios. This includes the education of contemporary technologies – from computational thinking, data literacy and tacit maker knowledge.
The Nazaret Colegios Innovadores work on providing the most up-to-date education, providing space for the students’ creativity and innovative skills to flourish. This, matched with Fab Lab Barcelona’s hands-on educational methodologies, proved a great partnership. The Maker Culture Summit was a 1-day program which introduced the participants to the digital fabrication space of Fab Lab Barcelona and the self-sufficient space of Valldaura Labs, situated in the Collserola National Park surrounding Barcelona.