Win a scholarship for Fab Academy 2023

Scholarship for the Postgraduate Diploma in Fab Academy now open.

  • Jun 2, 2022

Course Details

The Postgraduate Diploma in Fab Academy BCN: Applications and Implications of Digital Fabrication is the local chapter of the Distributed Digital Fabrication program directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms and based on MIT’s rapid prototyping course: How to Make (Almost) Anything. Fab Academy focuses on personal fabrication – prototyping your ideas into products.

It is an intensive five-month program that teaches students to envision, design and prototype projects using digital fabrication tools and machines. As a multi-disciplinary and hands-on learning experience, it empowers students to learn-by-doing and inspires them to make stuff locally to become active participants in sustainable cities and communities.

IAAC-Fab Lab Barcelona offers 1 x 50% Scholarship for the ​Postgraduate Diploma in Fab Academy BCN: Applications and Implications of Digital Fabrication, valued in 7.500€. 

This program grants 45 ECTS granted by the School of Professional and Executive Development at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Scholarship Conditions

• Students with scholarships must attend a minimum of 80% of classes and Reviews
• Students with scholarships must finish the course in the 1st Evaluation Round (April 2023)
• Students with scholarships must comply with the program terms, conditions and procedures
• Students with scholarships cannot defer their grants for the following years. If students discontinue the course, the scholarship will be terminated, and Central Coordination may require payment of full fees.
• Project design and files, as a rule of Fabricademy, will be open source.
• The scholarship presented in this public announcement cannot be combined with other economic reductions offered by IAAC – Fab Lab Barcelona – Fabricademy.
• Participants that will be selected accept that part of their work will be published on Websites and/or Social Media channels of the institutions involved.

Project Brief

Productive Cities: Food & Energy

Cities face great challenges today, from climate change to the impact of global pandemics, automation, or the uncertain future of work and labor. Productive cities’ objective is to explore the potential of urban manufacturing to innovate on more sustainable food, energy and material systems, developed in collaboration with citizens and communities to reduce the generation of waste and build more inclusive and resilient urban areas.

Your challenge is to design a project proposal (an object or an intervention), that produces food or energy using the principles of circular design and digital fabrication, on the neighborhood or city scale.


This was Food Tech 3.0
Digital Fabrication is transforming production and consumption
This is Distributed Design – Documentary

Scholarship Competition Deadline

The Fab Academy Scholarships program launches on June 7th and will close on July 29th, 2022. Results will be public in the first week of September 2022.
For any questions, please contact Fab Academy Coordinator, Luciana Asinari: [email protected]