Maker Faire Barcelona is back! On July 1 & 2 the sixth edition of Maker Faire Barcelona brings together local and international Makers again! This edition aims to explore the influence of Maker Culture on how and where people learn: From formal and informal education to lifelong learning experiences. Maker Faire Barcelona 2022 highlights the need to rethink and activate a more local and diversified economic model, based on knowledge and in line with the objectives of the Barcelona Green Deal, and the 2030 Agenda. The sixth edition of Maker Faire Barcelona is held in a distributed manner, the main hub being the Campus Poble Nou de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra and satellite programs taking place at TMDC and here at Fab Lab Barcelona!
For the talks and workshops at Fab Lab Barcelona registration is not necessary. The workshops have limited capacity and attendance will be on a first come-first serve basis.
12:00 Fab Lab Barcelona 15 years in the making: Anniversary Kick Off (EN)
13:00 Citizens at the center of food systems + Picnic (ES)
15:00 Distributed design in the urban context (EN)
16:00 Making, crafting, designing – perspectives on gender in the creative industries. (EN)
17:00 Makerspaces for a greener Europe – The role of the maker community in the New European Bauhaus context (ES)
18:00 Documentary Screening (EN)
19:00 Beers & Friends
12:00 Slow Lab
12:00 Remix the School
13:00 Making in a circular maker space: A Precious Plastics introduction
15:00 MINKE – Distributed Sense Making
16:00 The Future of Surf
17:00 Con-serve
18:00 Compost Station
11:00 Fab Lab Barcelona: Rethinking the way we live, work and play in cities (ES)
12:00 CENTRINNO: What has heritage to say in a locally productive and globally connected city? (ES)
13:00 Exploring weak signals to design and prototype for emergent futures (ES)
16:00 This is Distributed Design: Bewildering technologies and increasingly complex systems, what role can Distributed Design play in shaping our future(s)? (EN)
17:00 Makerspaces as Digital Innovation Hubs for local smart production in Africa (EN)
17:30 Productive Hubs: alternative urban futures (CA)
10:00 Gymkhana
11:00 MicroBioMap: Known the urban microbiome to improve quality of life
12:00 Remix the School
13:00 Craft in the Anthropocene
12:00 Fab Lab Barcelona 15 anys on the making : obertura Aniversari (EN)
13:00 Ciutadans al centre dels sistemes alimentaris + pícnic (ES)
15:00 Disseny distribuït en el context urbà (EN)
16:00 Creació, elaboració, disseny – perspectives de gènere en les indústries creatives. (EN)
17:00 Makerspaces per a una Europa més verda – El paper de la comunitat Maker en el context de la New European Bauhaus (ES)
18:00 Documentals (EN)
19:00 Cerveses i Amics
12:00 Slow Lab
12:00 Remix the School
13:00 Fer t en un Makerspace circular: una introducció a Precious Plastics
15:00 MINKE – Sense Making Distribuït
16:00 El futur de Surf
17:00 Con-serve
18:00 Estació de Compost
11:00 Fab Lab Barcelona: Reinventant la manera de viure, treballar i jugar a les ciutats (ES)
12:00 CENTRINNO: Què pot dir el patrimoni en una ciutat localment productiva i connectada globalment? (ES)
13:00 Exploració de senyals febles per dissenyar i prototipar futurs emergents (ES)
16:00 This is Distributed Design: Tecnologies desconcertants i sistemes cada vegada més complexos, quin paper pot exercir el Disseny Distribuït en la configuració del nostre future? (EN)
17:00 Makerspaces com a Digital Innovation Hubs per a la producció intel·ligent local a l’Àfrica (EN)
17:30 Hubs Productius: futurs urbans alternatius (CA)
10:00 Gymkhana
11:00 MicroBioMap: Coneixer el microbioma urbà per millorar la qualitat de vida
12:00 Remix the School
13:00 Ofici en l’Antropocè