Waste Plastic Recycling – Printing With Robots

A program designed for Seoul Innovation Fab Lab to train trainers in advanced robotic techniques.

Seoul Innovation Fab Lab


Seoul Innovation Fab Lab

Service Format

Customised Training Trainers Program

Delivery Method

Hybrid online/physical learning.
Instructors from Fab Lab Barcelona and IAAC in Barcelona (Spain), Seoul Innovation Lab workers and students in Seoul (South Korea).


70 hours delivered in 10 days.

The “Waste Plastic Recycling. Printing with Robots” program was designed and delivered to Seoul Innovation Fab Lab (SIL) by Fab Lab Barcelona, the Advanced Architecture Group (AAG) of Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Fab Lab Network.

This project was a remote program designed to train trainers. It aimed to give Seoul Innovation Lab an immersive education experience in the world of robotic arms and how to repurpose plastic to produce furniture parts. The total estimated duration of program was 70 hours. This program focused on 3D printing recycled plastic and fabricating using robotic arm machinery with FDM tooling. 

About the Project

Recent adaptation of industrial robots to architectural/design production has given rise to a new language of design which is informed through computation. In a world where nearly everything built around us could be 3D printed, the focus in the future will be on the design and performance of the by-product.

The use of digital and robotic fabrication equipment aims to investigate new possibilities for expanding the geometric vocabulary, functional integration and a smart assembly logic in a way which develops new design methodologies that benefit from those new technologies. 

Main Objectives

Our primary objectives were to provide the necessary knowledge so that SIL workers understand how to operate robotic arms and plastic recycling procedures, to help SIL develop and produce research in line with their residency programs, to strengthen the maker community, and to synthesise the projects which are developed within the context of SIL’s innovation stream.

These objectives were explored in a two week workshop with students of SIL. The students were able to explore methodologies and advanced fabrications techniques with the aid of SIL and Fab Lab Barcelona staff.

Our Deliverables

  1. Provided SIL with the necessary consulting to synthesise the work of Fab Lab SIL with the research objectives of their Innovation and Knowledge Department.
  2. Introduced SIL workers and residency users the theoretical and practical framework of robotic arms, 3D printing and plastics recycling procedures and usage.
  3. Provided SIL workers and residency users with the necessary knowledge to use their new robotic arm and how to produce content for workshops and research projects with it. 
  4. Configuration and adjustment of the robotic arm setup and plastics recycling machines of SIL facilities together with Seoul Innovation Staff.
  5. Hosted an open workshop on 3d printing recycling plastics with robotic arms that allowed the maker community of Seoul to print small pieces of furniture utilizing plastics they collected.

Project Team

Eduardo Chamorro Martin

Additive Manufacturing Expert

Eduardo Chamorro is an architect and researcher who works to discover how technology can transform architecture and its processes to improve people’s lives. He is currently a PhD candidate at Swinburne University (Melbourne, Australia) in High performance composites additive manufacturing for architecture. As a digital fabrication expert, he is faculty in the Master for Advanced Architecture (MAA), Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings (MAEB), 3D Printing in Architecture (3DPA), Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF), FabAcademy at IAAC FabLab Barcelona. For him, working in a multi-scalar environment must be the priority of an architect nowadays. He holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from CEU San Pablo University (Spain), a Fab Academy diploma in Digital Fabrication offered by the Fab Lab Network and a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture from IAAC (Spain), with a specialisation in digital fabrication, materiality and new design methodologies. He holds as well a Spanish architectural licence. Moreover, he has worked as Fab Lab Seoul director (South Korea) and researcher in several architecture studios, computational design and fabrication professor at CEU University, advisor as a fabrication expert for different architecture collectives, and is a usual collaborator in Fab Lab Madrid. He is always seeking innovative architecture to solve and adapt to social needs.

Kunaljit Chadha

AAG Group (IAAC) / MRAC Faculty Assistant / MAA Fabrication expert / OTF Fabrication expert.


Contact for Business

Noel Criado

Strategic Partnerships Lead
[email protected]