Eduardo Chamorro Martin

Additive Manufacturing Expert

Eduardo Chamorro is an architect and researcher who works to discover how technology can transform architecture and its processes to improve people’s lives. He is currently a PhD candidate at Swinburne University (Melbourne, Australia) in High performance composites additive manufacturing for architecture. As a digital fabrication expert, he is faculty in the Master for Advanced Architecture (MAA), Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings (MAEB), 3D Printing in Architecture (3DPA), Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF), FabAcademy at IAAC FabLab Barcelona. For him, working in a multi-scalar environment must be the priority of an architect nowadays. He holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from CEU San Pablo University (Spain), a Fab Academy diploma in Digital Fabrication offered by the Fab Lab Network and a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture from IAAC (Spain), with a specialisation in digital fabrication, materiality and new design methodologies. He holds as well a Spanish architectural licence. Moreover, he has worked as Fab Lab Seoul director (South Korea) and researcher in several architecture studios, computational design and fabrication professor at CEU University, advisor as a fabrication expert for different architecture collectives, and is a usual collaborator in Fab Lab Madrid. He is always seeking innovative architecture to solve and adapt to social needs.