Fab Textiles

Producing experimental digital open source couture.


The Challenge

The fashion industry is the 2nd most pollutant in the world after oil thanks to unsustainable, linear systems.

Our Solution

The first textile lab in the world within the Fab Lab network which uses open source techniques, tools and practices for sustainable textile and fashion technologies.

Type of Project

Fab Textiles is a project initiated by Anastasia Pistofidou and incubated in Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC.

Applied Technologies

Digital fabrication, biomaterials, wearables and circular design.

The fashion industry is known to be one of the heaviest polluters globally. Enormous amounts of water are consumed to process textiles and we spend little on cheap clothes in which true value fails to be filtered down the production line. This has devastating consequences in countries miles away from where the product was purchased – in which laws are less rigid for labour exploitation. This calls for a desperate change in the fashion industry. 

Fab Textiles

The spread and accessibility to Fab Labs and makerspaces presents an opportunity in the realm of fashion and digital fabrication, meaning that alongside product designs, fashion designs can also be sent globally and made locally. Fab Textiles, a project initiated by Anastasia Pistofidou and incubated in Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC, is implementing a new approach towards the production and distribution of fashion elements, through using distributed manufacturing infrastructures and knowledge networks. Fab Textiles is a cross-disciplinary education and research platform to investigate how production and culture can impact the way in which we consume and act in the fashion industry. Fab Textiles in involved in delivering the educational program Fabricademy, Textile and Technology Academy.

Who is it for?

Fab Textiles is for anyone working in the fashion industry who wishes to change their practice to become more sustainable, innovative and unique.

Fashion industry stakeholders

Interested in investigating how digital fabrication and new materials can change fashion production processes.

(Fashion) Designers

Who wish to use their techniques to develop new techniques in the fashion industry.


Who understand circular economies and societies, looking to develop fabrics from waste. 

Project Partners

2013 - current