Make Works

An open-access directory of fabricators, material suppliers, workshops and manufacturers.

The Challenge

Connecting makers and designers to local manufacturers in order to redistribute production.

Our Solution

A platform which lists fabricators, materials, locations and glossaries to provide information on a particular source.

Type of Project

Make Works is part of the Distributed Design Market Platform (DDMP), a project funded by Creative Europe under grant agreement No. 2017 – 3157 / 001 – 001.

Applied Technologies

Local Make Works platforms in a distributed approach, connected globally.

Whether we are designers, gardeners, artists, hackers or makers, we often struggle to find a space, or advice on how and where to produce. Make Works is an open access directory of fabricators, material suppliers, workshops and manufacturers to help anyone to find and understand local manufacturers and fabricators.

The Project

The Make Works platform was created to make fabrication more accessible for artists, designers and makers. The Make Works platform was initiated from Scotland, providing an open resource which is free to use. This platform has expanded to Scotland, Birmingham, Derby & Derbyshire, UAE, Sweden, Catalonia, Iceland and Budapest. Make Works provides information online about local manufacturers and therefore enables makers and designers to find manufacturing companies on a large and small scale. On the platform, Make Works provides information not only on manufacturers but also fabricators, materials, locations and terms (glossary) about the finished project you are making. 

Our Contribution

In 2018 Make Works gifted the assets and platform of the project to Fab City Barcelona efforts. Make Works is now located at Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC. The goal of Make Works is to have distributed headquarters across (expanding) Make Works regions, allowing each region to act locally and remain globally connected. Make Works is part of the Distributed Design Market Platform (DDMP), funded by Creative Europe, which acts as a platform to exchange and networking hub for the European maker movement. The platform is part of an ever-growing ecosystem of tools that can help designers and makers develop and manufacture products locally.

Who is it for?

The Make Works platform can be accessed by anyone who is searching for a local manufacturer or specialised designer in their city or region.


Who are looking for advice, opportunities and spaces to fabricate their ideas into physical prototypes on a smaller, or if desired, bigger scale.


Manufacturers who are wishing to connect to those who are looking for their projects to be fabricated, for potential advice and to connect to a manufacturing network.

Artists and designers

Who are looking to connect physical making skills to manufacturers to create a knowledge exchange network.

Project Partners

  • DistributedDesign