
Bringing together the traditional crafts practices with new digital technologies

Project in collaboration with the Distributed Design Platform and World Crafts Council Europe to assist craft practitioners in the adoption and use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools, with the aim of encouraging innovative forms of creation that integrate cutting-edge digital fabrication technologies into the practice of craft-making.  

The Distributed Design Platform is coordinated by Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC. The platform, established in 2017, funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, brings together a diverse member base from 17 cultural and creative institutions from 13 European countries.


Distributed Design

Type of Project

Online educational programme




The programme responds to the need to bring together the traditional practice with new digital technologies to develop improved and new products, services, and professions.

Our Solution

The aim of this programme is encouraging innovative forms of creation that integrate cutting-edge digital fabrication technologies into the practice of craft-making.

The Distributed Design Platform in collaboration with the World Crafts Council Europe offered a two-month learning experience in the form of an online masterclass program. This took place during February and March 2023, and included a series of mind-expanding masterclasses and collaborative working sessions. 

Each Masterclass was hosted by an expert from the Distributed Design Platform and the Fab Lab Network.

Participants will engage with paradigm-breaking and innovative ideas from experts in the field and will explore topics such as “New and emerging digital markets for Creative Industries”, “Collaborative and sustainable practices”, and “Designing for action, engagement and resilience”

Course outcomes:

1. Integration of cutting-edge digital technologies into the practice of craft making.
2. Developing opportunities for collaboration, stimulating innovation and product development.
3. Engaging future generations of craft practitioners; focusing on recent graduates and craft start-ups and craft design SMEs.
4. Adopting new technologies for enhancing existing traditional crafts.

Testimonials: What our partners say

  • Why did you choose Fab Lab Barcelona?

We chose to partner with Fab Lab Barcelona on our digital training programme, because of their previous experience in delivering successful activities targeted at the crafts sector. We were somewhat involved in the Crafts Tech programme and through this, we witnessed how the organisation could help us to realise our goal of bringing digitalisation and its associated concepts within closer proximity to craftspeople. Alongside this, we chose the partnership because of the leadership of the Distributed Design Platform which brought a much needed international European level perspective to our programme.

  • What made our training a good fit for your organization?

The training perfectly fitted our needs. We were looking for a programme that could bring new technologies and ways of thinking about digitalisation, to craftspeople across Europe. The use of agile training methodologies; flexibility and a combination of asynchronous and synchronous sessions, alongside a fantastic lineup of experts; allowed a broad range of participants to take part and varied concepts to be integrated. We feel that the communication; planning and output all went very smoothly and that Fab Lab Barcelona understood our needs and that we spoke the same language. You have a very proactive team with a great capacity to adapt to the clients needs!

  • Did the program meet your goals and expectations?

Definitely! It was a successful training activity in terms of our requirements. We know that it can be fine tuned after the first edition, but we had a great start with 72% of the participants recommending the programme to future participants.

Laura Miguel Baumann

Project Team

Guillem Camprodon. Executive Director
Jessica Guy. Distributed Design Lead
Milena Juarez. Communities Expert
Marion Real. Systemic Design and Co-creation Researcher
Sally Bourdon. Civic ecology Expert
Eduardo Chamorro. Digital Fabrication Expert
Petra Garajova. Materials & Textiles
Olga Trevisan. Crafts Expert
Mariana Quintero. Emergent Futures Strategic Advisor 
Alejandra Tothill. Design Researcher. 
Enrico Bassi. Designer and Engineer
Massimo Menichinelli. Designer
Katharina Elleke. The Flip Floppy Project
Nat Hunter and Gareth Owen Lloyd. Open Today
Karim Esry. Creative director


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Want to talk?

Book a call with our team to discuss how we can work together:
Noel Criado, Strategic Partnerships Lead: [email protected]